Study Guide

Test Information

About the Tests

The Core Academic Skills Assessment (CASA) subtests are criterion referenced and standards based. Criterion-referenced tests are designed to measure a candidate's knowledge and skills in relation to an established standard of performance (a criterion), rather than in relation to the performance of other candidates. The subtests are aligned with the REPA Indiana Educator Standards.

Tests are computer-based. All tests include multiple-choice questions, and some tests also include one or more constructed-response assignments. The available testing time varies by test and ranges between 45 minutes and 135 minutes. There is a 15-minute tutorial on computer-based testing prior to each test, which is not counted as part of the testing time.

The Test Development Process

Creating a program is a complex, ongoing process. The major steps in the process are outlined below.

Task Description
Job Analysis (for Fall 2020 updated tests) Job Analysis establishes and documents the links between job tasks and assessment content. Job Analysis is a three-part, content validation study conducted to demonstrate that knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) or objectives measured by a licensure exam are required to perform important aspects of the target job.

Teacher Task List

  • Drafted based on state and national academic and professional standards
  • Enhanced, revised, and refined by Indiana educators representing multiple areas of teacher practice specialties
  • Reviewed by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE)

Job Analysis Survey
  • Administered to a sample of licensed and practicing Indiana educators representing a variety of teacher practice specialties
  • Collected ratings of (1) relative time spent and (2) importance for each task
  • Survey data used to identify critical job tasks

Linking Study
  • Provides empirical links between KSAs (objectives) measured by each exam and critical job tasks
  • Conducted by Indiana educators representing multiple areas of teacher practice specialties

Develop the Assessment Blueprints (tests prior to Fall 2020) The content of each assessment is documented in the assessment blueprint. The REPA Indiana Educator Standards form the basis of each assessment blueprint. An assessment blueprint is divided into content domains. A content domain contains one or more objectives, each corresponding to one or more of the Indiana Educator Standards for that field. Each objective is further defined by a set of essential elements of knowledge that together articulate the knowledge and skills measured by the test questions associated with that objective. The assessment blueprint also provides information on the relative weighting that will be applied to each content domain. The Indiana Department of Education reviewed and approved the assessment blueprint for each field.
Develop the Frameworks (for Fall 2020 updated tests) The content of each updated test is documented in the framework. The framework consists of domains that include a set of objectives, along with a set of descriptive statements that further elaborate the knowledge and skills measured by the test questions associated with that objective. During preparation of the framework, the REPA Indiana Educator Standards and key state and national documents were consulted. Fairness and Content Advisory Committees, comprised of Indiana educators, reviewed the frameworks and recommended revisions, if necessary, to ensure that the framework is accurate, free of bias, job related, and important for performing the job of an educator in Indiana.

The framework is closely aligned with the associated revised set of Indiana REPA Educator Standards. Like the framework, the REPA standards define the knowledge and skills that an educator needs to know and be able to do in order to provide effective instruction in Indiana classrooms. However, while the standards are designed to serve as a general guide for preparing educators for Indiana classrooms, the framework describes the content that will be measured on the test. Reflecting these different purposes, the REPA standards are a broad, high-level summary of the content and content-specific pedagogical knowledge expected of Indiana classroom educators, while the framework goes into much greater depth and detail regarding the specific content that will be measured on the test.

Test Content Validation (for Fall 2020 updated tests) A Content Validation Survey of the framework was conducted to obtain judgments from Indiana classroom educators and educator preparation faculty about the importance of each objective for performing the job of an educator in Indiana; how well each set of descriptive statements represents important aspects of the corresponding objective; and how well the framework, as a whole, represents the content knowledge important for performing the job of an educator in Indiana.
Develop Test Items (ALL tests) Next, test items are developed to assess the content defined by the assessment blueprints/frameworks. Content specialists, item development specialists, content and bias reviewers, and psychometricians are involved in developing test items for the Indiana CORE Assessments for Educator Licensure program.
Review and Validate Test Content (ALL tests) Committees of Indiana educators and educator preparation program faculty are convened to review and revise the test items as needed. Items are reviewed by a Fairness Review Committee and a Content Advisory Committee. The Fairness Review Committee reviews test items for potential bias and inclusion of diversity. The Content Advisory Committee reviews and revises items, if needed, to ensure that they are accurate, appropriate, free from bias, and job-related. Items approved by the review committees are validated by Indiana teachers and teacher educators.
Pilot Test Items (ALL tests) Reviewed and validated test items are pilot tested to determine if they have acceptable statistical and qualitative characteristics to include on operational test forms.
Set Passing Scores (ALL tests) A committee of Indiana educators and educator preparation program faculty convenes for each test to make recommendations that will be used to establish the passing score for each test. The final passing scores are determined by the Indiana State Board of Education.