Test Information Guide

Field 291: Vocational Technical Literacy Skills Test
Writing Subtest
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Sample Test Directions for the Multiple-Choice Section

Each question in this section is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices. Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Try to answer all questions. In general, if you have some knowledge about a question, it is better to try to answer it. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.

Some of the questions in this section are based on short text selections. For testing purposes, the selections contain numbered "parts" (e.g., sentences, sentence fragments, run-on sentences that should be punctuated as two sentences); these are the "parts" to which the test questions refer. In this part of the writing section, the term error refers to language use that does not conform to the conventions of standard American English. Each selection is followed by one or more multiple-choice question(s) related to the selection. The selection will be presented on-screen with each item. Read each selection carefully and then read the question that refers to that selection. For each question, choose the ONE best answer based on the information contained in the selection you have just read.

Objective 0007
Recognize examples of unified and focused writing.

1. Read the paragraph below; then answer the question that follows.

1Day-care center staff members are required to wash all surfaces with a cleaning solution at least four times each day. 2You also sanitize the diaper-changing areas thoroughly after each use. 3Staff follow specific procedures for cleaning children during diaper changes and after eating. 4They also wear latex gloves when handling food or changing diapers and wash their hands thoroughly and frequently.

In which sentence does the writer change from a third-person to a second-person point of view?

  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 2
  3. Sentence 3
  4. Sentence 4
Correct Response: B.

Correct Response: B.

Objective 0008
Apply knowledge of the use of verbs and nouns in standard American English.

2. In which sentence is the underlined verb form used correctly?

  1. All of the seedlings germinates in greenhouse 7.
  2. A potential source of contamination threaten the aquifer.
  3. One farmer in this area utilizes integrated pest management.
  4. The horse trainer supplement the feed with high-quality hay.
Correct Response: C.

Correct Response: C.

Objective 0009
Apply knowledge of the use of pronouns and modifiers in standard American English.

3. Choose the best word or words to complete the sentence below.

The finished commercial that he produced was ________ replaced by an earlier version.

  1. on accident
  2. accidentally
  3. as accident
  4. accidental
Correct Response: B.

Correct Response: B.

Objective 0010
Apply knowledge of the use of sentence structure and punctuation in standard American English.

4. Read the passage below; then answer the question that follows.

1The accuracy of weather forecasting has greatly improved with computer technology, predicting the weather remains imperfect. 2Weather forecasters observe the weather at any given moment; then they predict what the weather will be hours or days later. 3In the 1800s, scientists began to make simultaneous weather observations at a particular time across a region, they plotted these observations on a map. 4Today television weather reporters illustrate their forecasts; using computer-generated weather maps.

In which sentence above are two ideas joined using correct structure and punctuation?

  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 2
  3. Sentence 3
  4. Sentence 4
Correct Response: B.

Correct Response: B.

Objective 0011
Apply knowledge of the use of capitalization and spelling in standard American English.

5. Which underlined word in the sentence below is spelled correctly?

After consulting with the decorater, the carpenter created a beautifull table for the hotel dinning room.

  1. decorater
  2. created
  3. beautifull
  4. dinning
Correct Response: B.

Correct Response: B.